Smart Science cordially invites you to send six carefully selected delegates to learn how to build smart mega-industries worth 100 times the value of mining, oil, and gas:
◇ Pioneer the switch to Einstein’s smart methods across all industries and sectors
◇ Create global smart hubs: financial, economic, scientific, health, education
◇ Build and export trillion-dollar smart economic engines
◇ Build and deploy smart full-threat defence systems
Please request an info pack / quote / pre-booking right now as availability is limited.
Most of us are unaware that:
◇ we are all naturally able to think like Einstein and friends
◇ we can re-activate this ability fairly simply
◇ nothing rewards effort and investment more generously
There are many complementary 'seeds' within each of us that are just waiting to sprout vast verdant cooperative 'forests' of security and abundance for all.
This is perhaps history's biggest opportunity and worth more than all other resources combined – a post-scarcity world beckons hopefully – a smart world – an orchestra of untold natural flow, harmony, diversity, balance, unity, peace, progress, security, health and abundance for all – a world where our better impulses finally prevail, and aspiration becomes reality.
Millions of inspiring high-performing Einsteins serving society, across hundreds of occupations, is worth trillions to your country, and quadrillions to the world.
We are an emerging ensemble of down-to-earth innovators, strategists, engineers, and scientists – big picture thinkers with heart, just like Einstein and friends.
We connect dots like Einstein and friends.
We thrive on helping governments do the same to become the best they can.
We believe thinking like Einstein and friends delivers the best settings for the two main levers in business and government: people and tech.
We believe thinking like Einstein and friends helps us solve seemingly impossible people problems such as balancing soft power and hard power.
Smart Science = Smart Power
(real security)
"The G-8 nations are accelerating their transformation from industrial to postindustrial economies, where power increasingly rests on a nation's capacity for creativity and innovation which can trump its possession of armored divisions or aircraft carriers." (AAPSS, 2008, paraphrase)
We grow government revenue without increasing tax.
We design and build next-level revenue engines.
We supercharge and protect sovereign wealth funds.
We help governments shift from consuming to producing.
We believe your country can be even more remarkable.
Governments with a growth mindset.
Countries that want to grow faster than technology.
We make it simple and easy for governments to benefit greatly from Einstein's curiously overlooked insights:
retreat > validation > deployment.
We plan and deliver refreshing government retreats in an uplifting location: Australia's Sunshine Coast.
A maximum of five retreats available per year.
Socio-economic Defence and Revitalisation Alliance.
Re-imagining National Security.
The first movers can invent and profit from distributing the science, technology, medicine, education, jobs, business, exports, and economics of the future, starting right now.
Einstein and friends believed that almost anyone and everyone can learn to think holistically like them. Thankfully, a few people, companies, and countries have partially succeeded and given us tantalizing glimpses of our astonishingly verdant future.
Very few people know when and how China quietly pivoted, to 100x its economy, and to lead the world in 37 of 44 critical technology sectors (Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2023). Admittedly, challenges along the way suggest China could use an ace to continue improving, innovating, and leading.
Very few people know that Steve Jobs and Tim Cook quietly designed Apple around Einstein's otherwise ignored insights. It is no accident that Apple went on to become the world's first one, two, and three trillion dollar private sector company.
Steve Jobs, flawed as we all are, likewise inspired Corning Glass 'to do more than they ever imagined possible' and make several billion dollars extra in the process:
'Don't be afraid. You can do it.'
(Inc, 2020)
To know more, be more, and achieve more, please request an info pack / quote / pre-booking right now as availability is limited.